Performing Locates In-house for Maximum Uptime

Dec 9, 2024 | Fiber, Optimizing Networks

Operational Excellence

Did you know that Intermountain Infrastructure Group (IIG) hasn’t had a single service outage due to a dig incident in the San Fransico Bay Area since we started building there 6 years ago? Before digging, contractors and property owners are required to dial 811 to locate and avoid hitting buried water, sewer, or gas lines and other infrastructure like fiberoptic cable.

Many network service providers hire contractors to take on the work of identifying where fiberoptic cable is located. IIG sends our own employees out to do all locates where our infrastructure is buried. Most often these are the same employees that project managed the physical construction in the first place. Why? To maintain a level of operational excellence for our customers. Due to our commitment to operational excellence, we’ve gone more than 6 years without an incident in this area.

So, what does this mean? You’ve probably heard that “time is money.” This is one of our major value propositions to our customers. We spend the time making sure the locates are done right, to reduce network interruptions and save our customers money. With IIG you won’t face any unexpected outages that could be avoided by simply identifying fiberoptic locations.

This is part of the benefit of doing business with IIG. When you do business with us, you know that we are personally responsible with boots on the ground to avoid unnecessary outages. Our commitment to excellence in the San Fransico Bay Area is a testament to the level of responsibility we hold ourselves to for all our customers.

IIG is continuing with this operational methodology across the over 2,000 miles of network being built across the Northern Tier today.

Ready to find out more?

Contact our sales team to discuss your project.